Social Emotional Support for Gifted Learners
Social emotional needs are at the heart of well being and the foundation for achievement for all children. Many gifted children need targeted assistance with peer relationships, perfectionism, asynchronous development, situational stressors, and post secondary planning.
Online Support Groups for Parents of GT and/or 2E students
SENG support groups are designed specifically to address some of the unique issues, needs and challenges faced by varying gifted communities across the nation and beyond.The online platform allows individuals to meet together face to face to discuss the issues, needs, and challenges associated with raising a gifted child - all with the help of an expert!
Loosely based on the SMPG (SENG Model Parent Group), SENG's online support groups offer support in a private setting and allow parents of gifted persons to connect with each regardless of their location.
Looking for an online support group that fits your schedule and budget? Check out the link above for the list of groups currently being offered!
SENG support groups are designed specifically to address some of the unique issues, needs and challenges faced by varying gifted communities across the nation and beyond.The online platform allows individuals to meet together face to face to discuss the issues, needs, and challenges associated with raising a gifted child - all with the help of an expert!
Loosely based on the SMPG (SENG Model Parent Group), SENG's online support groups offer support in a private setting and allow parents of gifted persons to connect with each regardless of their location.
Looking for an online support group that fits your schedule and budget? Check out the link above for the list of groups currently being offered!