BFA GT Referral
If you would like to initiate the GIFTED IDENTIFICATION process for your child, please complete this form. Be advised, you will need approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete the entire document. There is not a way to save your progress in this form. You need to be ready with your child to fill it out. BFA GT Referral (Spanish ) Complete este formulario si desea iniciar el proceso de IDENTIFICACIÓN DE ESTUDIANTES DOTADOS para su hijo/a. Tenga en cuenta que necesitará aproximadamente de 30 a 45 minutos para completar todo el documento. No hay forma de guardar su progreso al llenar este formulario. Debe estar listo con su hijo/a para completarlo. CogAT opt out form Click on the button to the right to opt your child out of universal CogAT testing. This is only for students in fifth grade that are not already identified as gifted. |